Interactive GIS Maps
Wexford County now has Interactive GIS Maps available online!
The Interactive GIS Maps allow the user to explore the geography of Wexford County with easy to use tools. The following geographic data is available on the maps:
Parcel Boundaries
Public Land Survey Section Lines
School Districts
Commissioner Districts
Township & City Office Locations
Indoor/Outdoor Recreation Sites
Recreational Trails (snowmobile, ORV, X-country/ Mtn. Bike)
Trail Mile Markers
2011 Color Aerial Photography
All of these map layers can be queried to obtain information such as parcel ownership information and zoning set back information. The interactive GIS viewer offers tools for measuring distance/area, perform parcel searches (by name, parcel number,, property address or street name) and then create a printable map which you have specialized for your application.
The Interactive GIS Maps offers subscriptions which allow the user to view high resolution aerial photography and obtain more detailed thematic maps such as Property Sale Price, Property Sale Year, Qualified Ag. Exemption and Homestead Tax Reduction. Subscription rates are $250/year or $20/day. Please see the Interactive GIS Maps page for subscription directions.
Click here to visit our Interactive GIS Maps page
and experience the power of GIS for yourself!
All provided GIS data is to be considered a generalized representation which is subject to revisions. The feature boundaries are not to be used to establish legal boundaries. For specific information, contact the appropriate county department or agency. This information is provided as a visual representation only and is not intended to be used as a legal or official representation of legal boundaries.