Cadillac-Wexford Airport Authority
Length of term: 2 years
Craig Hewitt (expires 12/31/23)
David Mackey (expires 12/31/22)
Michael Hoover (expires 12/31/22)
Vacant (expires 12/31/?)
Karl Holder-City Appointee (expires 8/21/23)
Jim Clement-City Appointee (expires 2/22/23)
Cadillac-Wexford Public Library Board
Length of term: 5 years
Sandra Bengelink (expires 12/31/22)
Lee Jones (expires 12/31/24)
Linda Kimbel (expires 12/31/23)
Carol Blake (expires 12/31/25)
Lindsey Rumohr (expires 12/31/26)
Cadillac-Wexford Transit Authority
Length of term: 2 years
Larry Copley (expires 12/31/22)
Rosanne Denny (expires 12/31/23)
Eleanor Sosenko (expires 12/31/23)
Vacant (expires 12/31/?)
Michael Hayes-City Appointee (expires 6/5/22)
Construction Board of Appeals
Length of term: 3 years
Paul Keller (expires 10/31/22)
Scott Kleinsorge (expires 10/31/23)
Stephen Perry (expires 10/31/22)
Mark Richardson (expires 10/31/24)
Randy Williams (expires 10/31/24)
Department of Health & Human Services
Length of term: 3 years
Bob Colvin (expires 12/31/22)
Roger Hopkins (expires 12/31/23)
Yvonne Hebert-State Appointee (expires 2024)
Northern Lakes Community Mental Health Services Board
Length of term: 3 years
Rosanne Denny (expires 3/31/22)
Ben Townsend (expires 3/31/24)
Networks Northwest-Workforce Development Board
Length of term: 3 years
Ken Bollman (expires 12/31/22)
Vacant (expires 12/31/?)
Wexford County Road Commission
Length of term: 6 years
Harold Falan (expires 12/31/24)
Lorne Haase (expires 12/31/26)
Harry Hagstrom (expires 12/31/22)
Dean Jurik (expires 12/31/25)
Jim Leggett (expires 12/31/27)
Veterans' Services Committee
Length of term: 4 years
Jack Baughan (expires 12/31/25)
Susan Marcum (expires 12/31/23)
Joe Porterfield (expires 12/31/22)
Gary Taylor (expires 12/31/24)
Wexford Missaukee Community Corrections Advisory Board
Length of term: 2 years
All terms expire 12/31/23
Trent Taylor, Wexford Sheriff
Will Yancer, Missaukee Sheriff
Jason Elmore, Circuit Court Judge
Adam Ottjepka, Chief of City Police Rep.
Audrey Van Alst, District Court Judge
Melissa Ransom, Probate Court Judge
Julie Theobald, Wexford Commissioner
Dean Smallegan, Missaukee Commissioner
Corey Wiggins, Wexford PA
David DenHouten, Missaukee PA
Charles Kennard, Wexford Circuit Court Probation Agent
Laura O'Dell, Missaukee Circuit Court. Probation Agent
Kristie Hatinger, Dist. Court Probation
Bob Champion, Wexford County Criminal Defense Attorney
Vacant, Missaukee County Criminal Defense Attorney
John Mellish, Rep. of Business Community
William Barnett, Rep. of Media Communications
Vacant, Rep. of General Public
Cassandra Bugai, Rep. of Substance Abuse
Child Support
Child support payments can be made in person at the Wexford/Missaukee Friend of the Court office at 401 N. Lake Street in Cadillac. You can also mail support payments to the office. You can call our office at (231) 779-9494 and make a payment by phone. You can call MISDU to make a payment at (877) 543-2660 or by calling (888) 604-7888 and using the code 9515. Payments can also be made by going to ALLPAID.COM–click the Search button under Make A Payment and then enter the code 9515.
A “support order” in the form of a Uniform Support Order (USO) is any court order that requires a party to pay:
- Child support
- Spousal support (formerly called “alimony”)
- Medical, dental, and other health care expenses for the child(ren)
- Child care expenses
- Educational expenses
All support orders state an amount that is due on the first day of each month. Support is past due if not paid by the last day of the month. When an order takes effect on a day other than the first day of a month, the support amount must be prorated for the partial month. Unless an order gives a specific end date, support will end on the last day of the month specified by the order. The last month of support will not be prorated to a certain date.
All support orders also require that parents shall notify the Friend of the Court in writing of:
a) their mailing and residential addresses and telephone numbers;
b) the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of their sources of income;
c) their health-maintenance or insurance companies, insurance coverage, persons insured, or contract numbers;
d) their occupational or driver’s licenses; and
e) their social security numbers unless exempt by law.
Both parties shall notify the Friend of the Court in writing within 21 days of any change in this information.
Child Support Formula
Federal and state law requires a child support formula to be used to determine how much child support a parent must pay. That formula considers the parents’ incomes and other factors. The court may set a different support amount, but only if the judge explains in writing or during a court hearing why the formula amount is unjust or inappropriate. For more information about the child support formula, see Facts about the Michigan Child Support Formula (PSA 24).
To Change a Child Support Order
The FOC will review child support orders automatically once every 36 months if the child or the custodial parent is receiving public assistance. In other cases, the FOC will conduct a review upon written request by a parent, but not more often than once every 36 months. There is no fee to request a child support review.
A parent can file a MOTION REGARDING SUPPORT to change the child support order, if the parent can show proper cause to change the order or that there has been a change in circumstances from the date of the last order. The other parent can answer the statements made in the Motion Regarding Support by filing a RESPONSE TO MOTION REGARDING SUPPORT. The FOC office has printed forms and instructions for filing these types of motions. Parents have the option of hiring an attorney to assist with the motion, if they choose.
However, be advised that your motion MUST be filed with the FOC office to be scheduled. Once the FOC receives the original motion with the required payment or approved Fee Waiver Request form, the motion will be scheduled for referee hearing and mailed to both parents. The FOC will file the original motion with the County Clerk.
The referee will decide what should happen based on the cases made by both parents at the hearing. If a new child support order is done, the effective date of the new support order will be the date the Motion Regarding Support was filed.
Be advised that contacting the FOC and notifying the office that one parent’s financial situation has changed does not automatically change the ordered support amount.
If the parents are in agreement to changing their order, either parent can contact this office at (231) 779-9494, extension 2005 to schedule an appointment with a mediator to help put their agreement into a new court order. Even in cases where the parents have agreed to a change, the current order remains in effect until the judge signs the new order.
(231) 779-9494, ext. 2006
The FOC is required to periodically review an order’s child support provisions, including health care. Clients are welcome to submit a CHILD SUPPORT REVIEW REQUEST and if eligible, the FOC will review the child support provisions of that case. If it is found that a change is warranted, the FOC will ask the court to modify the order (see Modification of a Support Order). As part of this periodic support review, the FOC may request information, such as a parent’s earnings, details of any dependent health care coverage available as a benefit of employment, specifics about a tax refund, and job or education history. The court can also order an evaluation of the current order’s support. If either party disagrees with the result of the child support review, they are welcome to file an OBJECTION TO CHILD SUPPORT REVIEW and a referee hearing will be scheduled.
Threshold for the Friend of the Court to Modify the Support Order
The FOC will ask the court to change the monthly support payment if the difference between the current support amount and the amount determined by the standard child support formula (using the party’s most recent income data) is at least 10 percent or $50.00 per month, whichever is greater. If the difference between the current support amount and the current formula amount is less than that minimum threshold, the FOC is not required to request a change.
(231) 779-9494, ext. 2003
Unless otherwise ordered, support payers must make their payments to the Michigan State Disbursement Unit (MiSDU). When a payment received by the MiSDU sufficiently identifies the person to whom the support should be paid, the MiSDU must forward the money to the recipient within two business days. In most cases, support payments are automatically withheld from a payer’s wages or other sources of income. A payer who pays the MiSDU directly should clearly identify the case number with the payment. If a payer has more than one case and does not clearly identify the case number with the payment, that payment will be split amongst all of their cases. Do not send cash through the mail. Information regarding a support account is available through the MiSDU or online through MiChildSupport. A party may also call the office that has the support order.
State-Owed Arrears Management
A program has been developed by the Michigan Office of Child Support that may allow for a discharge of some or all of the child support arrears owed to the State of Michigan. Cases that may be eligible for a discharge of state-owed arrears include those in which the parents in the case are now married, as well as child support payers who are experiencing extreme financial difficulty. To see if you qualify for a discharge of state-owed arrears, contact the FOC office or download and fully complete the REQUEST TO DISCHARGE STATE-OWED DEBT (DHS-681) and return it to the Wexford/Missaukee Friend of the Court, 401 N. Lake St., Cadillac, MI 49601.
(231) 779-9494, ext. 2010
When support payments are more than a full 60 days past due, the FOC may begin enforcement action without waiting for a request for enforcement. Receivers of support can request to have a child support enforcement action carried out by filing a CHILD SUPPORT COMPLAINT/ENFORCEMENT REQUEST, or by calling or emailing this office. Some enforcement begins immediately following entry of an order, including income withholding and enforcement of health insurance coverage. The FOC has several methods of collecting past due support payments. They include:
Immediate Income Withholding
The FOC requires the support payer’s employer (or other income source) to withhold some of the payer’s income and send the money to the MiSDU. The payer will be notified before the income withholding starts by receiving a copy of the income withholding notice. The FOC can administratively adjust the income withholding if there is an arrearage on the case, but the FOC office must first send the payer a notice of arrearage. The payer can object to the adjustment after receiving the notice of arrearage. The withheld amount cannot exceed 50 percent of the payer’s disposable earnings.
Support orders must provide for income withholding even without a showing that the support payer has missed payments or is likely to do so.
Contempt of Court (Show-Cause Hearing)
If support is not paid on time, the FOC or a party may begin a contempt action against the payer. The court will order the payer to appear in court and “show cause” why the court should not find the payer “in contempt of court.” The payer can make a payment equal to three months of their monthly obligation before the show cause hearing and the hearing will be adjourned to a later date. However, no hearings will be adjourned nine days or less before the scheduled hearing date.
If you fail to appear for a show-cause hearing, the court may issue a bench warrant for your arrest. If you are found in contempt of court, the penalties may suspend licenses, may order participation in a work activity (FOCAP), may place the payer under FOC supervision, and/or may order jail time of up to 45 days (90 days for a second offense). For more information about show-cause proceedings, see Show Cause Proceedings in Domestic Relations Cases (PSA 25).
Criminal Nonpayment of Support
Federal and state law makes failure to pay child support a criminal offense. The FOC does not bring felony charges. Charges based on Michigan law are filed and prosecuted by county prosecutors or the Attorney General. Federal charges are prosecuted by the United States Attorney’s office. Please contact this office if you would like more information about felony nonpayment of support.
Income Tax Intercept
If child support is overdue and the case otherwise satisfies federal and state requirements, the FOC must request an income tax “intercept.” In such cases, any tax refund to which the support payer is entitled will be used to pay past due support. For more information about tax intercepts, see Tax Refund Offset Program (PSA 13).
Other Enforcement Remedies
If the payer is more than two months behind on support payments, the FOC must report the arrearage to a consumer credit reporting agency. The court may also suspend the payer’s driving, occupational, sporting, and/or recreational licenses and passports. Also, the FOC may place a lien on the payer’s real and personal property, which then can be sold to pay the support arrearage.
(231) 779-9494, ext. 2008
FOCAP is an employment and assistance program that seeks to work with payers of child support to help them find employment. FOCAP also works with parents to identify other areas of need in their lives and supply them with information about local resources to best address those needs.
(231) 779-9494, ext. 2006
The court may order one or both parents to provide health insurance coverage for the children. If the court orders a parent to obtain available health insurance coverage from an employer, the FOC will send a medical support notice to that parent’s employer. The employer then must enroll the employee’s children in the employer’s plan and deduct the premiums from the employee’s wages. According to the Michigan Child Support Formula, a reasonable cost for providing private health care coverage for the children must not exceed six percent of the providing parent’s gross income. Clients are able to provide insurance information to the other parent or to the FOC file by filling out and returning the INSURANCE INFORMATION form and returning it to the FOC office.
A parent who is ordered to provide health insurance and receives it from a source other than their employer may fill out an Objection to the National Medical Support Notice. The FOC will notify the employer to not enroll the children on the employer-provided health insurance plan.
A parent can submit a REQUEST FOR HEALTH CARE EXPENSE PAYMENT to have the FOC help collect the other parents’ share of extraordinary medical expenses if any of the following four conditions are satisfied:
(1) The amount exceeds the annual ordinary amount in the order, or the requesting parent is the support payer.
(2) One parent requested payment from the other parent within 28 days after receiving an insurer’s determination that an expense was not covered.
(3) The other parent did not pay within 28 days of the request for payment.
(4) The FOC’s assistance is requested within one year after incurring the expense, or within six months after the insurer has denied coverage, or within six months after the other parent failed to pay as required.
Once the FOC receives a Request for Health Care Expense Payment form, the FOC will notify the other parent that, if no objection is filed within 21 days, the unpaid amount will be added support at $50 monthly and subject to any of the eligible child support enforcement processes. If an objection is filed, the FOC must schedule a court hearing to decide who is responsible for the amount that the health insurer did not pay. If health insurance is not provided through the support order, coverage might be available through MI-Child or Medicaid programs. Find more information about Medicaid programs online here. You may also go to to find out how to receive health care benefits.
(231) 779-9494, ext. 2009
The obligation to pay child support does not end when a party no longer lives in Michigan. Both parents must notify the FOC whenever they relocate. The support payer must continue to pay support and the FOC must continue to enforce the court order. If a support payer no longer resides in Michigan and stops paying as ordered, there are laws that allow Michigan courts to have their support orders enforced in other states and in a limited number of foreign countries. For example, every state has passed a law that allows a court in another state to withhold the payer’s income, enforce the order, set or modify a support order, or assist with finding the payer’s assets. For more information, see The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) (PSA 29) located at: UNIFORM INTERSTATE FAMILY SUPPORT ACT (UIFSA).