28th Circuit Court
The following information is for the Circuit Court jury trial date listed below. As information becomes available, this website will be updated to tell jurors of any cancellation of this trial date. If the trial is cancelled, jurors do not need to call our jury recording the day before that trial, unless they would like to. If the trial is proceeding as scheduled, jurors should call THE DAY BEFORE AFTER 5:00pm on their scheduled date for a recorded message to confirm whether it is necessary for them to report for trial and further instructions. The JURY LINE number is 231-779-9490 ext. 1 and the recording is available anytime, 24 hours a day. If you are requesting to be excused from jury duty it has to be in writing either by email (top right corner of your jury summons), turning a letter in by person, or mailing a letter to the 28th Circuit Court *All jury excusal requests will not be accepted if they are received after 1:00pm the night before the trial.
Jury Trial Date Details
DATE: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 – PANELS C and F
INSTRUCTIONS: The trial date of Tuesday, February 11, 2025 still currently remains on the Court’s docket. Please continue to monitor this website of the juror telephone line (231) 779-9490 ext.1, for further instructions.
PLEASE NOTE: Jurors should pay particular attention to the panel to which they are assigned. This can be found in the upper right hand corner of the Summons. It is possible that certain panels may be excused, while others are still expected to be present.
(Once again, you can find your assigned panel in the upper right hand corner of your summons.)
DESCRIPTION: Call (231) 779-9490, ext. 1, AFTER 5:00pm on Monday, February 10, 2025 for jury recording.
START DATE/TIME: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 8:45am